Sell your TRX energy
Stake your TRX and earn up to 22-27%
Keep your TRX on your wallet
Provide limited access to us:
  • Vote
  • Claim voting rewards
  • TRX Stake (2.0)
  • TRX Unstake (2.0)
  • Withdraw unstaked TRX
  • Delegate resources
  • Reclaim resources
These are standard API methods by TRONSCAN
Income calculation
Daily income:
7.5 TRX
Monthly income:
225 TRX
Annual income:
2700 TRX
How to start
Deposit and stake TRX to TronLink or Trust wallet
Give us access
Receive your profit
Withdraw your profit
What is staking 2.0
Staking is a method to earn rewards with cryptocurrencies. When you stake your coins, you contribute to the security and functionality of the blockchain network, and in return, you earn additional coins or tokens. One of the key advantages of staking is that your assets stay securely in your own wallet, allowing you to maintain complete control and minimizing the risk of loss or exposure to third parties. Staking TRX in the TRON network involves several steps: 1. Freezing Tokens: Lock TRX to support the network, making them temporarily inaccessible. 2. Voting: Use TronPower, earned from freezing, to vote for network validators or Super Representatives. We can automate this process for optimal rewards. 3. Earning Rewards: Receive additional TRX as a reward for staking and voting, automatically added to your account by us. 4. Unfreezing Tokens: Unfreeze your TRX when needed; the process takes 14 days.
Why we
We provide fully automized and secure decision. You can increase your staking income up to 27% You have full access to your assets and can stop the staking any moment
Do I own TRX when I stake them?
You can full access to your assets
How to stop stacking
Unfreeze your TRX when needed; the process takes 14 days. Than you can withdraw your assets
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